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格萨尔王传 (King Gesar)


《格萨尔》是我们藏族人民集体创作的一部伟大的英雄史诗,是藏族人民智慧的结晶。它是在藏族的神话、传说、民间故事、民歌和谚语的丰厚基础上产生和发展起来的。《格萨尔》的内容丰富,结构宏伟,卷帙浩繁,气势磅礴,是世界上最长的一部英雄史诗。(The Complete Biography of King Gesar King Gesar is a great heroic epic collectively created by the Tibetan people, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Tibetan people. It was developed on the basis ofTibetan mythology, legends, folk tales, folk songs and proverbs, is an encyclopedia for the research into ancient Tibetan society. Known as the "Iliad of the Orient," it has high academic, aesthetic and appreciative value.)

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《格萨尔》是我们藏族人民集体创作的一部伟大的英雄史诗,是藏族人民智慧的结晶。它是在藏族的神话、传说、民间故事、民歌和谚语的丰厚基础上产生和发展起来的。《格萨尔》的内容丰富,结构宏伟,卷帙浩繁,气势磅礴,是世界上最长的一部英雄史诗。(The Complete Biography of King Gesar King Gesar is a great heroic epic collectively created by the Tibetan people, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Tibetan people. It was developed on the basis ofTibetan mythology, legends, folk tales, folk songs and proverbs, is an encyclopedia for the research into ancient Tibetan society. Known as the "Iliad of the Orient," it has high academic, aesthetic and appreciative value.)

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