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BBC Wildlife Magazine

Feb 01 2025

BBC Wildlife Magazine is a celebration of the natural world, featuring all the latest discoveries, news and views on wildlife, conservation and environmental issues. With strong broadcasting links, authoritative journalism and award-winning photography, BBC Wildlife Magazine is essential reading for anyone with a passion for wildlife who wants to understand, experience and enjoy nature more.


Keeping your eyes peeled pays off

BBC Wildlife Magazine

HEAD FIRST • Immerse yourself in nature every month with a subscription to the world’s best wildlife magazine

Every month, only in BBC Wildlife

wild TIMES • The latest news, photography and seasonal wildlife highlights

Salmon to surge after largest dam removal project in history • California’s Klamath River in recovery following large-scale restoration

AI brings hope for rare reds • New tech ‘Squirrel Agent’ can target invasive greys at feeders

Expedition Killer Whale


Big step for great Indian bustards • Artificial insemination offers a ray of hope

Feeding birds may kill them • We love to attract birds to our gardens, but feeders can pose a deadly risk

wild FEBRUARY • 7 nature encounters for the month ahead

TRY 3 ISSUES FOR £6 • when you subscribe to BBC Sky at Night Magazine today*

GILLIAN BURKE • “The leaves look as if they’ve been sprinkled with pouting lips”

FEMALE OF THE SPECIES • It pays not to put all your eggs in one basket

MARK CARWARDINE • “Throughout the winter, hunts up and down the country will be sticking two fingers up at the law”

LIFE’S A BEACH ORCAS HUNTING SEALIONS • These impressive predators launch themselves from the surf in a spectacular hunting strategy

SHAPE OF YOU LANTERN BUG • Its hefty headgear has garnered this sap-sucker mythical status

BBC Wildlife

KINGDOM OF THE ICE BEAR • Powerful and ruthless, but playful and tender, the polar bears of Svalbard are as complex as they are beautiful, says photographer Florian Ledoux

SLOW BUT SURE • The Javan slow loris has suffered a huge population decline in recent years. But conservation efforts are turning the tide for this fascinating animal.

Five fascinating facts about the Javan slow loris • The rare primate possesses some remarkable abilities and adaptations

Big cats in BRITAIN • Sightings and DNA tests suggest that large cats such as black leopards are quietly naturalising in Britain. Here’s the whole story.

REACH FOR THE SKY • In the 1970s, the bald eagle was on the verge of extinction. Thanks in part to the pioneering work of one young biologist, this magnificent bird has made a spectacular comeback.

A CRAB CALLED JOHN • The yellow land crab lives a secret life on an island stronghold off the coast of Brazil. One photographer went to find out more about this charismatic crustacean.


What is the slowest land animal?

Say argh!


Smell: an ancient animal sense


Photo CLUB

SNAP-CHAT • Renato Granieri talks chimps, penguins and high altitudes


We need more control over fireworks to protect wildlife

Try 3 issues for only £6* • When you subscribe to BBC Countryfile Magazine

Mission penguin

Deadly fish • Be careful if you meet one of these fearsome species underwater


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