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BBC Wildlife Magazine

Oct 01 2023

BBC Wildlife Magazine is a celebration of the natural world, featuring all the latest discoveries, news and views on wildlife, conservation and environmental issues. With strong broadcasting links, authoritative journalism and award-winning photography, BBC Wildlife Magazine is essential reading for anyone with a passion for wildlife who wants to understand, experience and enjoy nature more.


There are solutions, and they rely on the power of nature

BBC Wildlife Magazine

IMMERSE YOURSELF • Get closer to the natural world with a subscription to the world’s best wildlife magazine

Every month, only in BBC Wildlife

Wild TIMES • What’s happening right now

Fattening up for Christmas • Squirrels are super-busy getting ready to survive the winter months

Highest ever ocean temperatures recorded • Experts express alarm that the average global sea surface temperature hit new highs this summer

Sweet nothings • Do honeyguide birds really help honey badgers find bees' nests? Well, probably…

Big whale discovery • Prehistoric skeleton found in Peru rivals the blue whale as the heaviest animal to have ever lived

Fungi gets a day in the sun • The tenth UK Fungus Day celebrates our incredibly diverse fungi species


OPINION GILLIAN BURKE • “We appear to need reminding to tune into the rhythm of life”


MEET THE RANGER Belinda Nalwamba • Bravery and paramilitary skills are vital as a member of Zambia’s first all-female anti-poaching unit

Prickly issue • Europe’s urban corvids are using anti-bird spikes from nearby buildings to make their nests

NEW SPECIES DISCOVERY Ngoc Linh crocodile newt

2023 Your Home Christmas made easy

Static electricity gives ticks a boost • New science reveals how these blood-sucking, parasitic arachnids can be propelled through the air


Review protections for beavers, say MPs • Influential committee argues that the rules safeguarding the rodents are too stringent

Dinosaurs walk again

Falsetto flocks • Tune your ears to the high-pitched calls of returning redwings

FEMALE OF THE SPECIES JAPANESE MACAQUE • Lucy Cooke on the rule-busting female upsetting the male-dominant order

The long goodbye • Southbound swallows are choosing to delay their winter departure

POO CORNER ID GUIDE • Eurasian otter

MARK CARWARDINE OPINION • “Complacency is driving a wrecking ball through climate commitments”

TRUE COLOURS AUTUMN LEAVES • Summer may have gone but the trees are about to dazzle with an uplifting display


SHAKE A LEG HARVESTMAN • Despite carefully maintaining their eight appendages, harvestmen will part with one to live another day

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FOREST DOCTORS • Chimpanzees in Gabon’s Loango National Park have been observed treating each others’ wounds using insects – a unique demonstration of potentially advanced cultural activity

The burning issue • Wildfires are on the rise in the UK, but scientists have been developing innovative ways of preventing them, using the power of nature

UNDER PRESSURE • As India’s human population continues to grow and natural habitats become depleted, space for the country’s elephants is at a premium

A highly unholy situation

WILD BUDGIE CHASE • This parrot’s natural habitat is the Australian outback, not a cage in the living room…

Australia’s amazing parrots • They really do have beautiful plumage

The man above the fireplace • WH Hudson was a pioneering...


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