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January/February 2024

Outside readers are passionately committed to leading an active lifestyle. Outside not only motivates readers to uncover and define their own personal day-to-day adventures, but also provides them with the tools, products and information to fulfill them.

Between the Lines


It Ought to Be Easier than This • How Pam Houston, author of a timeless book about dating wild and adventurous men, helped me navigate the frustrations of romance in a modern mountain town

Of the Land • Historian and author TIYA MILES reveals how wild places shaped history’s boldest women

Can the Indy Pass Save Skiing? • A challenger to the Ikon and the Epic Passes is aiming to prove that where skiing is concerned, small is the new big

Don’t Go Chasing Silver Bullets • The problem with most allegedly performance-boosting supplements isn’t that they don’t work. It’s worse than that.

Are Lobster-Claw Gloves the Hybrid Handwear We’ve All Been Waiting For? • Our editors agree that multipurpose gear is generally not it—but oneof them makes an exception for the claw

Far Out • Your new kit for shredding big lines deep in the wilderness

Dear Gear

Bring On the Party • The best stylish performance wear

Finding Beauty in the Beast • Elias Cairo, host of The Game Show on Outside Watch, has staked his livelihood on the art of charcuterie

And Away We Go! • The family that plays together grows together. We’ve got 14 fresh ideas for unique trips that will have everyone too enthralled to check their phones, and that promise an engagement with nature in new, wild ways.

Reds, Whites, & Pink • The pop star Alecia Moore has trained and worked for years to become a serious organic winegrower. The alchemy happens on 25 misty acres in Southern California’s Santa Ynez Valley, where the world-famous musician finds rhythm in the vines.

Bus 142 Is Ready for Its Close-Up • The abandoned vehicle from Into the Wild captured the imagination of people all over the world and inspired hundreds of seekers to make perilous pilgrimages to the site. Now a dedicated team of curators in Fairbanks have given it new life for a permanent museum exhibit—one that tells the story not just of Chris McCandless, but of modern Alaska.

Appetite for Construction • At Red Bull Rampage, the most infamous freeride mountain-bike event on the planet, riders and teams build their own runs, walking a fine line between death-defying and deadly

The Badass Boat That Nick Built • When you’ve spent umpteen hours crafting a museum-worthy cedar canoe, there’s just one thing left to do: bang the hell out of it while running a river through the heart of Los Angeles


Sea Shepherd’s Sea Change • The oceans need protection like never before, and the environmental organization is redefining itself. The original focus—dramatic campaigns against whalers and seal hunters operating under the flags of nations like Japan—is giving way to an emphasis on fisheries protection in cooperation with governments. TRISTRAM KORTEN rides along with Peter Hammarstedt, the Swedish activist at the heart of this strategy.

That ’70s Guy • In 2007, to celebrate Outside’s founding in the boffo bicentennial year of 1976, we asked—well, ordered—longtime contributor ERIC HANSEN to risk embarrassment and ridicule by dressing as an outdoorsy dude from that era, then circulating among innocent people to see how they’d react. The result was an offbeat gem by one of the magazine’s most versatile and creative voices.

The Man Behind the Mustache

Parting Shot


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