Fall at the campground is my favorite time of the year. The bursts of orange, yellow, green, and red pop on the falling leaves, creating a colorful path along the trails for all of my guests at my campground is a real life picture that could never be captured by a camera.
Days are warm and at night you need a light sweater to enjoy the campfire or snuggle up in a cozy blanket.
The campground is full and the campers are excited to participate in Normal's annual Pumpkin Carving Contest.
It's a little spooky seeing the hundreds jack-o-lantern faces all light up with toothless or toothy smiles.
It's the dead body or two among them that chills me to the bone. Especially when one of those bodies is found in a cave and someone I love is a suspect.
And when Hanks asked me for input on the case, I knew it was important. The Laundry Club Ladies and I are once again putting our sleuthing skills to good use in hopes the tricks aren't on us!
27. september 2022 -
OverDrive Listen-hljóðbók
- ISBN: 9798765047811
- Skráarstærð: 101796 KB
- Tími: 03:32:04
- Enska
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