Pip is content with his simple life until a bitter gentlewoman employs him as a sometime companion to herself and her adopted daughter. Pip then aspires to become a gentleman himself, though his dreams are unrealistic until the day he mysteriously comes into a fortune and is sent to London to become refined. The story follows Pip's journey into adulthood and emotional maturity and understanding.
20. febrúar 2012 -
OverDrive Read
- ISBN: 9781620116616
- ISBN: 9781620116616
- Skráarstærð: 622 KB
Opin EPUB-rafbók
- ISBN: 9781620116616
- Skráarstærð: 613 KB
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- Lexile® mælikvarði: 1200
- Erfiðleikastig texta: 9-12
Publisher's Weekly
February 27, 2012
This beloved classic from Dickens follows the life and adventures of a six-year-old orphan named Pip as he makes his way and comes of age in 19th-century England. Simon Prebble turns in a solid performance in this audio edition, offering up a lush and resolutely dramatic reading and creating a panoply of unique voices and accents for the book’s many characters. But while Prebble’s performance is lavish, it fails to distinguish itself from the scores of previous audio productions of Dickens’s novels. Still, his reading remains a pleasure and a well-orchestrated introduction to the world of Dickens—one that could serve as a wonderful opportunity for both fans and those new to the author’s work.
- OverDrive Read
- EPUB-rafbók
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