In today's world, it's easy to get stuck in an endless loop of negative thoughts. And if you're like many people, you've probably tried to think your way out of one of these thought cycles, throwing more thoughts on the pile until you're left with an out-of-control bonfire of anxiety, self-criticism, resentment, catastrophizing, and hopelessness. Attempting to stop your thoughts or replace them with positive ones is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Inevitably, you drown in a sea of unhappiness. Has it ever worked for you? If the answer is "no," it's probably time to find a real solution.
In Can't Stop Thinking, psychotherapist and spiritual counselor Nancy Colier offers the key to breaking free from the repetitive and obsessive thinking that is causing your stress, anxiety, worry, and unhappiness: change your relationship with your thoughts. Using a powerful blend of mindfulness and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), you'll learn how to surrender your thinking mind, and end repetitive thinking, rumination, and self-criticism—freeing you up to discover a life of self-compassion, presence, peace, and joy.
13. júlí 2021 -
OverDrive Listen-hljóðbók
- ISBN: 9781705299159
- Skráarstærð: 165973 KB
- Tími: 05:45:46
- Enska
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