Mae's efforts haven't gone unnoticed. Not only is Happy Trails Campground in the running to be named Campground Hospitality of the Daniel Boone National Park, but she landed the coveted Paddle Fest kayak competition that secures the winner a spot on the Olympic team.
When champion and Olympian kayaker Bryce Anderson turns over in his kayak dead . . . there's more than paddling going on and his death has been ruled a homicide. News of Bryce's death spreads fast and Happy Trails becomes the center of bad publicity.
Come camping with Mae West and the Laundry Club Ladies as they put their sleuthing, well nosy, caps on and put their skills to the test so they can figure out who killed the Olympian and save Happy Trails from financial ruin.
19. janúar 2021 -
OverDrive Listen-hljóðbók
- ISBN: 9781705282236
- Skráarstærð: 128462 KB
- Tími: 04:27:37
- Enska
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