Betts Hager, owner of several small businesses, is swamped with work and desperate for help with her cleaning business. Mae offers her services, happy about the prospect of a little extra cash. Heiress Tammy Jo Bentley's mansion is the first one on her schedule.
Mae makes sure Tammy Jo's house is spotless because the Kentucky Kennel Association's annual meeting is going to be held at the mansion. Fifi, Tammy Jo's high pedigree, insured poodle, is going to be on display and Tammy Jo will be evaluating potential suitors to sire Fifi's offspring.
Before the annual meeting, Camille Braun, Fifi's nanny, is stabbed to death. Everyone knows that Camille would put her life on the line or lay down her life for Fifi and, apparently, she did.
Mae tries her best to stay out of it. Tammy Jo begs Mae to help her; after all, she did find the last killer in Normal. Plus, it's not good for business—or Normal's revived economy—when a murderer is on the loose.
26. febrúar 2019 -
OverDrive Listen-hljóðbók
- ISBN: 9781541458246
- Skráarstærð: 141800 KB
- Tími: 04:55:24
- Enska
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