It was past midnight. Nikolay Yevgrafitch knew his wife would not be home very soon, not till five o'clock at least. He did not trust her, and when she was long away he could not sleep, was worried, and at the same time he despised his wife, and her bed, and her looking-glass, and her boxes of sweets, and the hyacinths, and the lilies of the valley which were sent her every day by some one or other, and which diffused the sickly fragrance of a florist's shop all over the house. On such nights he became petty, ill-humoured, irritable, and he fancied now that it was very necessary for him to have the telegram he had received the day before from his brother, though it contained nothing but Christmas greetings.
13. febrúar 2017 -
OverDrive Listen-hljóðbók
- ISBN: 9781787241435
- Skráarstærð: 7969 KB
- Tími: 00:16:36
- Enska
- OverDrive Listen-hljóðbók
- Enska
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