Shortly after their marriages ended, Suzanne Riss and Jill Sockwell realized that the best way through divorce is with the support of other women who understand what it’s like, who know the practical issues as well as the emotional ones, and who can help you keep a sense of hope and a sense of humor.
Brimming with stories and insights, from-the-trenches tips, and sanity-saving takeaways, this girlfriend-to-girlfriend guide prepares you for each phase of divorce, from “the talk,” to figuring our where to live, to co-parenting with an ex, to rebounding and rebooting your life. Covering the process from start to finish, this comforting and uplifting book makes it easy to jump in no matter where you are in your journey. And, even better, to make the choices that will ultimately help you develop a better relationship with the one person you’ll be with for the rest of your life—yourself.
27. desember 2016 -
OverDrive Read
- ISBN: 9780761189763
- Skráarstærð: 9303 KB
- ISBN: 9780761189763
- Skráarstærð: 9303 KB
- Enska
- OverDrive Read
- EPUB-rafbók
- Enska
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