Listen to the morning symphony that greets you as you enter the front gate.
Then, step onto a leafy path that leads to a secret world of animals, each of whom you won't want to forget, here at Zoo Atlanta.
Over five days we meet a menagerie of magnificent animals—pandas, elephants, gorillas, meerkats, flamingos and more—alongside the longtime animal lover, scientist, and researcher Caitlin O'Connell. With inside access to the guidance and knowledge of their beloved zoo caretakers and with stunning photographs, we are able to see the day-to-day marvels—and sometimes misfortunes—behind the animals' enclosures that often go unseen by the everyday zoo visitor.
In this example of narrative nonfiction at its best, O'Connell has created a bridge to wild, a rare chance to look beyond the zoo and to inspire guests to see for themselves just how special the animals we share our world with are.
2. ágúst 2016 -
OverDrive Read
- ISBN: 9780544829350
- Skráarstærð: 172822 KB
- ISBN: 9780544829350
- Skráarstærð: 172823 KB
- Enska
- ATOS þrep: 8
- Lexile® mælikvarði: 1210
- Áhugi: 4-8(MG)
- Erfiðleikastig texta: 6
- OverDrive Read
- EPUB-rafbók
- Enska
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