Winner of the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award
One of TIME's 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time
Ged was the greatest sorcerer in Earthsea, but in his youth he was the reckless Sparrowhawk. In his hunger for power and knowledge, he tampered with long held secrets and loosed a terrible shadow upon the world. This is the tumultuous tale of his testing, how he mastered the mighty words of power, tamed an ancient dragon, and crossed death's threshold to restore the balance.
"The magic of Earthsea is primal; the lessons of Earthsea remain as potent, as wise, and as necessary as anyone could dream."—Neil Gaiman
1. september 1992 -
OverDrive Listen-hljóðbók
- ISBN: 9781449881948
- Skráarstærð: 209969 KB
- Tími: 07:17:26
- Enska
- Lexile® mælikvarði: 1150
- Erfiðleikastig texta: 8-9
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