As Charles Fishman brings vibrantly to life in this delightful narrative excursion, water runs our world in a host of awe-inspiring ways, which is both the promise and the peril of our unexplored connections to it. Taking listeners from the wet moons of Saturn to the water-obsessed hotels of Las Vegas, and from a rice farm in the Australian outback to a glimpse into giant vats of soup at Campbell's largest factory, he reveals that our relationship to water is conflicted and irrational, neglected and mismanaged. Whether we will face a water scarcity crisis has little to do with water and everything to do with how we think about water—how we use it, connect with it, and understand it.
Portraying and explaining both the dangers—in 2008, Atlanta came just ninety days from running completely out of drinking water—and the opportunities, such as advances in rainwater harvesting and businesses that are making huge breakthroughs in water productivity, The Big Thirst will forever change the way we think about water, our crucial relationship to it, and the creativity we can bring to ensuring we always have plenty of it.
12. apríl 2011 -
OverDrive Listen-hljóðbók
- ISBN: 9781452620787
- Skráarstærð: 389448 KB
- Tími: 13:31:20
- Enska
- Lexile® mælikvarði: 1240
- Erfiðleikastig texta: 9-12
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